Seraj Library Project

Working alongside Palestinian communities to establish libraries as safe, beautiful and vibrant community centers.

Storytelling in Palestine

Hanna Salmon recently reflected on her experiences working with Seraj as a researcher completing her dissertation.

Seraj/Palestine Executive Director Laurie Salameh writes, “Hanna's work has been a major inspiration for us launching the Art of Storytelling Conference every other year. Her insights remind us that Palestinian storytelling is not only a powerful means of resistance but a beautiful art form worthy of study and celebration. Her words capture the spirit and importance of our storytelling center in Palestine.”

Read Hanna’s reflections here. She is a PhD candidate in Ethnomusicology at the University of Texas at Austin, where she studies Palestinian storytelling as an atmospheric practice and mode of artistic resistance in the West Bank and among the diaspora. 

Two Year End Reports

The 2024 Annual Report from Seraj/Palestine is a fascinating read, with information about myriad programs and special events in Seraj’s areas of focus: community libraries, storytelling, and cultural arts. The report includes links to numerous videos like the one taken on a day when women from the Qalandia refugee camp visit the Storytelling Center. Although not all of these short films offer closed captions or subtitles, the impact of Seraj on faces young and old is illuminating.

The 2024 Annual Report from Seraj/US highlights our key programs, acknowledges 321 donors, and includes detailed financial reports.

Storytelling Marathon 2024

A Seraj tradition kicked off in early November with a "train the trainer" day for government school teachers. The marathon involved 35 schools across the governorates of Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Jerusalem, and Hebron. Throughout the month, children learned and practiced telling stories. The event culminated with 350 children competing to share the folk tales they learned with their elders. See more …

A Taste of Palestine

In November, while a sell-out crowd enjoyed musical performances, olive oil tasting, delicious food and more, some young attendees found a quiet corner at A Taste of Palestine where they were able to indulge their own creativity. Seraj thanks to all participants, sponsors, and other supporters who made this event a smashing success. See more …

13 Libraries

Seraj libraries meet the unique needs and interests of the people they serve, in partnership with Palestinian communities in rural villages and refugee camps. Seraj currently has 11 community libraries, a storytelling center with library, and a cultural center with library.

Cultural Activities

Seraj’s libraries offer programs in storytelling, music, art, and special topics to preserve Palestinian culture. They also serve as safe, beautiful spaces for tutoring, lectures, yoga, and games—whatever meets the needs and dreams of the community.

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